Wednesday, 24 July 2024

IPS Exhibition:”Native Europe: Photographs of Ukraine 1902-1903 & the Polish Citizenship of Constance Markievicz”.

July 2, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

The Seminar and Exhibition “Native Europe: Photographs of Ukraine 1902-1903 & the Polish Citizenship of Constance Markievicz”, 16 th June 2024. Poland was first to help! – were the words of the Polish ambassador to Ireland, Prof. Arkady Rzegocki at the Polish House in Dublin during the opening of the exhibition of the Irish-Polish Society […]

The Irish Polish Society Seminar and Exhibition „Native Europe: Photographs of Ukraine 1902-1903 & the Polish Citizenship of Constance Markievicz”

June 5, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Poland’s entry to the EU the Irish Polish Society, with the cooperation of the Polish Embassy in Dublin, is organising a special Seminar and Exhibition. The event is free, open to all and takes place in the Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Place in Dublin on Sunday, 16 June from […]

Constitution Day – May 3 in the Polish House

April 30, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

The Irish-Polish Society and the Polish Social and Cultural Association cordially invite you to a concert of songs by Polish composers on the occasion of the Constitution Day of May 3, performed by Alicja RUMIANOWSKA – mezzo-soprano, soloist of the Baltic Opera in Gdańsk. At the piano is a young, talented pianist, Maja BROOKS. The […]

Maciej Smolenski commemoration

April 4, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

On Sunday 7 April from 5pm/17.00 the Irish Polish Society will hold a tribute at 20 Fitzwilliam Place (Polish House) to our late founding member, Professor Maciej Smolenski, who died 10 years ago. The evening will feature remembrances of his role in organizing aid to Poland during the Martial Law era, in founding the Irish […]

Walne zgromadzenie członków Towarzystwa Irlandzko-Polskiego

January 26, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Uprzejmie informujemy, że roczne walne zgromadzenie członków Towarzystwa Irlandzko-Polskiego odbędzie się w Domu Polskim w niedzielę 11 lutego b.r. o godzinie 17.00. Gorąco zachęcamy do udziału w zebraniu wszystkich członków i sympatyków IPS. Zostanie wybrany komitet zarządzajacy Towarzystwa na rok 2024 i będą dyskutowane ważne i ciekawe sprawy. Składkę członkowską za rok 2024 można wpłacić […]

Walne zgromadzenie członków Towarzystwa Irlandzko-Polskiego

January 26, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Uprzejmie informujemy, że roczne walne zgromadzenie członków Towarzystwa Irlandzko-Polskiego odbędzie się w Domu Polskim w niedzielę 11 lutego b.r. o godzinie 17.00. Gorąco zachęcamy do udziału w zebraniu wszystkich członków i sympatyków IPS. Zostanie wybrany komitet zarządzajacy Towarzystwa na rok 2024 i będą dyskutowane ważne i ciekawe sprawy. Składkę członkowską za rok 2024 można wpłacić […]

The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Polish Society

January 11, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Polish Society will be held on Sunday, 11th February, at 5 pm. It will take place in the Polish House. All Members and potential new members are warmly invited to take part. A new Committee for 2024 will be elected and important & interesting matters of our Society […]

IPS ART exhibition 20th Nov at 7pm

November 8, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Dear Members and Friends The Irish Polish Society cordially invites you to the opening of the IPS Art Exhibition (and wine reception) at the Polish House on Monday, November 20, at 7 pm. The Exhibition will be opened by Ms Virginia Teehan, the Chief Executive Officer of the Heritage Council. Eight artists are exhibiting their […]

Poland’s Independence Day in the Polish House in Dublin

November 7, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Members and supporters of the Irish Polish Society and Polish Social and Cultural Association are invited for Poland’s Independence Day in the Polish House in Dublin on Sunday, 12th of November from 4 pm.

Renovation of the Polish House in Dublin

October 13, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

The managing board of the Polish House in Dublin wishes to inform you about the current renovation of the building. Reopening of the Polish House is planned for early November this year.


October 3, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Ń Ń Ń On the 18th of September 2023, Father Klaus Cieszyński SJ died in a hospital in Lusaka (Zambia). He was born July 30,1938. Father Cieszyński entered the novitiate of Wielkopolska – Mazovia Province with the Society of Jesus on October 10, 1957, and on October 11, 1959 he took his first religious vows. […]

The Markievicz Saga: a story of Ireland, Poland &Ukraine

April 18, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

The Markievicz Saga: a story of Ireland, Poland & Ukraine An Irish Polish Society/Towarzystwo Irlandzko Polskie presentation by Patrick Quigley with original illustrations. Date: Sunday 23 April, 2023 Venue: Irish Polish Society, 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2 Time: 16.00 – 18.00 All welcome! Patrick Quigley is also the author of The Polish Irishman: the Life […]

The Poetry of Polish Emigrants

April 2, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

. An event celebrating The Poetry of Polish Emigrants in Ireland will be held at the Polish House in May 2023. Submit your poems with a short bio in English and Polish by 31 April 2023 to for consideration and possible publication.

Lecture by Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski; “Lessons from the modern history? The Polish state’s selected political challenges and their contemporary legacy”

February 2, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Invitation for a lecture by Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski; “Lessons from the modern history? The Polish state’s selected political challenges and their contemporary legacy” „Wnioski z historii nowożytnej? Wybrane wyzwania polityczne polskiego państwa i ich współczesne dziedzictwo” Date: Sunday, 5 February 2023, @ 6 pm. Place: the Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Pl., Dublin 2, DO2 YV58.

The Annual General Meeting 

December 27, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

The Annual General Meeting for the Irish Polish Society will be held on Sunday, 29th January 2023, at 5pm. It will take place in the Polish House, in person for the first time after four years. The previous AGM was online, on January 23 rd , 2022. The matters to be dealt with at the […]

“Kazimierz Leski – an Unusual Life”. Exhibition and lecture by dr Wiktoria Malicka

November 29, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

The Polish House in Dublin, 4 December, 3 pm. “Kazimierz Leski – an Unusual Life”. Exhibition and lecture by dr Wiktoria Malicka (Ossolineum). In the programme also: the Ossolineum Library- reminiscences from the past, free copies of newest IPS Yearbook 2022, and Patrick Quigley’s book signing “Staśko Markiewicz. Between Ireland and Poland”. All welcome.

Polish Independence Day in the Polish House in Dublin

November 8, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

Dear Members and Friends, The Irish Polish Society Committee wish to invite you for the Polish Independence Day in the Polish House in Dublin on Sunday the 13th of November 2022 at 6pm.

Farewell to Winter Shrove Tuesday Concert

Farewell to Winter Shrove Tuesday Concert

February 22, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

„River of Songs” is a collection of works, written and performed throughout nearly quarter of a century. From teenage songs of longing and love, but in new fresh arrangements, to recent musings inspired by 15 years of living in Ireland. There will be songs in Polish and English. Justyna Kosmulska is a poet, multi instrumentalist […]

Online Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022

Online Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022

January 20, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

The Committee decided to have our Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) early in 2022. The proposed date is Sunday, the 23rd January, at 5 pm. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic and the advice from the Government, the meeting can’t take place in the Polish House. We will have it online. Using Google Meet we can […]

Christmas wishes and plans for online AGM

Christmas wishes and plans for online AGM

December 21, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Dear Members and Friends, The Irish Polish Society Committee wishes you a happy and safe Christmas festive season and – hopefully – a better New Year 2022. The Committee decided to have our Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) early in 2022. The proposed date is Sunday, the 23rd January, at 5 pm. Unfortunately, because of […]

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