Thursday, 25 July 2024

The Markievicz Saga: a story of Ireland, Poland &Ukraine

April 18, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

The Markievicz Saga: a story of Ireland, Poland &
An Irish Polish Society/Towarzystwo Irlandzko Polskie
presentation by Patrick Quigley with original

Date: Sunday 23 April,
Venue: Irish Polish
Society, 20 Fitzwilliam
Place, Dublin 2
Time: 16.00 – 18.00
All welcome!
Patrick Quigley is also the
author of The Polish
Irishman: the Life and
Times of Count Casimir
Markievicz and Sisters
Against the Empire: Countess Markievicz and Eva
“Thank you, Patrick, for making sure that Markiewicz family letters,
published writings and Stasko’s work are not forgotten. You paint a
beautiful literary portrait of Stasko and his beloved stepmother, who
proved against many odds that women can become rebels as well.”
Anna Sochańska, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to

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