Dla uczczenia 10. rocznicy akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej, Towarzystwo Irlandzko-Polskie zaprasza na recital młodej polskiej pianistki Tamary Niekludow
2 maja, 2014 by IPS · Leave a Comment
Koncert odbędzie się w niedzielę 11 maja w Miejskiej Galerii Hugh Lane (Parnell Sq, Dublin 1) punktualnie o 12-ej (w samo południe). W programie utwory Liszta, Mendellsohna, Debussy’ego i Prokofiewa. Wstęp wolny. Koncerty niedzielne w Hugh Lane Gallery cieszą się dużą popularnością, więc radzimy przyjść wcześnie, aby zapewnić sobie dobre miejsce.
Warto przypomnieć, że 11 maja to 80. rocznica założenia w Irlandii pierwszego Towarzystwa Irlandzko-Polskiego, którego działalność przerwał wybuch wojny światowej w 1939 roku.
For further information contact Gavin O’Sullivan
ph: +353872456971 email: info@gallery-music.com website: www.hughlane.ie
Sunday May 11th 2014
Admission Free – Concerts start at 12.00
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the European Union
The Irish Polish Society presents
Tamara Niekludow piano
C.Debussy – Pour le piano
F.Liszt – Rhapsodie Espagnole
F.Mendelssohn – Songs Without Words op.30 no 6
S.Prokofiev – Sonata no 7
The Sundays @ Noon Concert Series is funded
by Dublin City Council
and grant aided by
The Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon.
Tamara Niekludow was born in Gdansk, Poland, in 1989. At the age of seven she started her
piano education in Feliks Nowowiejski Music School in Gdansk. She continued her studies at
the Academy of Music in Gdansk in the class of Prof Katarzyna Popowa-Zydron. She received
her Bachelor’s degree from the Academy of Music in Gdansk in 2011. Since 2011 she has
been working under guidance of Thérese Fahy. In 2013 she received her Master degree in
Piano Performance from the Academy of Music in Gdansk and the Royal Irish Academy of
Music in Dublin.
During her studies, Tamara Niekludow won many awards and prizes including the 1st Prize
and Special Prize of the Polish Radio in the National Witold Lutoslawski Competition; the 1st
Prize in International Chopin Piano Competition in Budapest, Hungary; the 1st Prize in the
International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland; the 2nd
Prize and Special Prize of the International Bluthner Competition for Young Pianists in
Kaliningrad, Russia. In July 2006 she was the only European finalist in the Morningside Music
Bridge Concerto Competition in Shanghai, China. In September 2010 she became a laureate
of the “Young Pianist Stage” event within the Polish Piano Art Festival in Slupsk, winning
three other awards as well. She recorded for Polish Radio and Polish TV. She performed in 14
different countries, including prestigious concert halls in Moscow, Nice, Warsaw, Dublin,
Shanghai, Budapest and Calgary. She participated in many international piano master classes
and worked with the well-known musicians (such as Alexei Orlovetsky, Boris Petrushansky,
Dang Thai Son, Lee Kum-Sing, John Perry, Victor Merzhanov, Andrzej Jasinski, Viera Nossina,
Eugen Indjic)
Tamara Niekludow has been granted the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Scholarship six times. In January 2011 she has become one of the beneficiaries of the
Ministry of Culture Scholarship Programme “Young Poland”.
The Irish Polish Society is the primary organization in Ireland for promoting integration
between Irish and Polish people. It is a voluntary, non-profit-making and non-political
organization. It has been in existence since 1979 when Pope John Paul II made his historic
visit to Ireland. The Society organizes lectures, musical events, art exhibitions, poetry and
literature readings, film shows, discussions, talks by local and visiting high profile lecturers
and social gatherings. We also celebrate the main cultural and religious festivals of both
countries. Our meetings take place at the Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Pl., Dublin 2. Our
committee is made up of Irish and Polish people who work together to promote the best from
each country. The committee is democratically elected each year at the Annual General
Meeting. Membership is open to all who live on the island of Ireland and have interest in
Poland and Polish-Irish relations.