27 lutego, 2013 by IPS · Leave a Comment
Dlaczego chrześcijaństwo jest odpowiedzią na dzisiejsze wyzwania wiary?
Wyzwania wiary w Polsce i w Irlandii
Chrześcijaństwo a inne religie oraz praktyki okultystyczne
Klasztor Ojców Karmelitów, Kinsale, Co. Cork
Rekolekcje w języku angielskim z tłumaczeniem na język polski
Dalsze informacje i rejestracja: 021 4772138;
lub Agnieszka 085 1460389
Friday 15th of March 20:00- 22:00 arriving and accommodating.
Saturday 16th of March
8:30 Morning prayer
8:45 Scripture reading: Jn 7:37- 52 (individually)
9:00 Breakfast
10:30 Talk: Jesus, the Source of the Living Water that is the Spirit (Jn 7:37-52).
Time for reflection, prayer
12:30 Lunch
3:30 Talk: The Challenge of Faith today from the Polish perspective Today (Mariusz Placek OCarm)
5:30 Respond to the challenge of faith, Faith and St. Patrick (Pat Mullins OCarm)
6:30 Eucharist (in the oratory)
7:30 Supper
21 :00 -22:00 Adoration (oratory in the friary)
Sunday 17 th of March
8:00 Morning Prayer
8:15 Scripture reading Jn 7:53-8:11 (individually)
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Talk : Jesus, Our Just and Compassionate Judge (Jn 7:53-8:11).
11 :00 Eucharist ( IN THE CHURCH )
12:30 Lunch
15:30 Talk: The Challenge of Faith today in Ireland (Irish perspective) (Pat Mullins OCarm)
16:30 possibility for / spiritual direction/ confession/
17:00 free time
19:00 Supper
21:00 Adoration (oratory in the friary) Pat Mullins OCarm
Monday 18 th
8:30 Morning Prayer
8:45 : Scripture reading Jn 8:12-20 (individually)
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 : Talk: Jesus, the Light of the World (Jn 8:12-20).
11:30 Christianity and other Religions and other practice: yoga, horoscope, fortune tellers, ect: time for discussion and questions, summary of the retreat
12:15 Eucharist (in the oratory)
1:00 Lunch
Possibility for confession and spiritual direction by individual appointment during the whole retreat.