The Irish Polish Society and Forum Polonia cordially invite you to a public debate: “Do Polish people living in Ireland participate in the Irish political system?”

Venue: Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2
Time: 18th May 2014, 6.30pm
There are over 120 thousands Polish people in Ireland and we are the biggest migrant community. Polish language is the second most spoken language on the island (after English). More and more Polish decide to settle in Ireland with their family and are buying houses, bringing up their kids, Ireland has become their home.

As inhabitants of Ireland do we realise our rights and duties? Do we fully use our opportunities?
Do we count as citizens of this country and do we want to be heard?
Are Polish people, as an influential group, part of the Irish political system?

During the debate, our guests: Irish politicians and Polish candidates to the local elections 2014, will try to answer the above questions.

Programme of the debate:

18.30 Welcome & Introduction
18.40- 19.15 Discussion Panel
19.15 – 19.45 Q&A
19.45 -20.00 Introduction of the Polish candidates
20.00- 20.30 Q&A
20.30-21.00 Ending plus refreshments

The Irish Polish Society is the primary organisation in Ireland for promoting integration between Irish and Polish people. It has been in existence since 1979. The IPS organises a wide range of cultural and social events during the year to suit a variety of interests and age groups. These include an annual art exhibition, musical evenings, book launches and readings, film shows, talks by local and visiting lecturers and a summer barbecue. We co-operate with the Polish Embassy, other Polish and Irish organisations, and have speakers to give advice on integration issues. The IPS celebrates the main cultural and religious festivals of each country.
Forum Polonia is a cooperative platform that brings together representatives of various Polish community organisations, the media, and individuals involved in projects relating to the Polish minority and its links to Irish society as a whole. The Forum operates through information exchanges, mutual supports, social integration, and promoting and developing the interests of the Polish community in the Republic of Ireland.

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