Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

The Irish Polish Society has been in existence for over 30 years. It was founded by
Fr Klaus Cieszynski, SJ, and its first steering committee was set up on 7th January 1979
(Jan Kaminski was the first IPS chairman and Helena Johnston the secretary). At that
time Ireland, and the Irish Polonia, were completely different to now. The Polish
community was very small in numbers but very well integrated into Irish society.
A number of ‘old’ Poles made a truly valuable contribution to Irish life in fields like
education, economy, business, architecture, arts, scientific research, etc.
Until 1991 – when the Polish Embassy was established in Dublin – the Irish Polish
Society was the one and only ‘Polish voice’ in Ireland.
Those who founded the Irish Polish Society are now in their 60s – 70s, several have
already passed away, and some are in their 80s. Jan Kaminski joined the ‘octogenarian
club’ recently. This prompted us to organize a special evening to celebrate the life
and achievements of our oldest members, and to share their experiences with the
younger generation. Everybody is invited to join us on Sunday, 29th April 5pm. There
will be music, food, recollection of past memories, showing old photos and papers,
playing tapes with historical recordings (like the address of John Paul II to the Polish
community in Dublin and Jan’s address to the Pope on the same occasion), clips
from 1993 radio documentary The Harp and the Eagle, telling stories, jokes and
anecdotes. A promotion of a CD recently recorded by our very distinguished and active
octogenarian, Prof Maciej Smolenski, will also take place. For those of a certain age it
might be a kind of ‘sentimental journey’ but with a lot of pleasure and fun at the same
time. Please come to enjoy the evening and to share with us your own Irish Polish story.

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