Saturday, 27 July 2024

Polish Carnival (Shrovetide)

February 24, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Faworki_(plate)Sunday, 2nd March, 4:30 pm (Polish House) – Polish Carnival (Shrovetide)
with favorki (Carnival fritters) Chopin music and more…..
In February last year the Irish Polish Society presented a musical entertainment
Chopin and Polish Carnival. It was very well received by the audience. We were ask-
ed for more similar events. We were also asked whether there is any record of Chopin
having an interest in Ireland or any Irish connection. The topic of our event is:
                       Chopin-Ireland links. Are there any?
Chopin music will be played by Tamara Niekludow
The presentation will be followed by tea/coffee and traditional Polish faworki.
Entry:  free for paid-up IPS members
           € 3 for non-members
Everybody is welcome!      

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