Thursday, 25 July 2024

Lublin to Dublin – A social evening organized in co-operation with O’Hara’s Irish Craft Beers from Carlow

November 28, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

unnamedCELEBRATING 20 YEARS ~ REVIVING THE OLD AND DISCOVERING THE NEW Brewers of award winning Irish Craft Beers ● O’Hara’s Irish Stout ● O’Hara’s Irish Red ● Curim Gold ● O’Hara’s Leann Folláin (Extra Irish Stout) ● O’Hara’s Irish Pale Ale ● O’Hara’s Double IPA ● Hop Adventure Series ● Notorious Red IPA Friday, 2nd December, 7pm – Lublin to Dublin – A social evening organized in co-operation with O’Hara’s Irish Craft Beers from Carlow. There will be a short talk by the brewers on the brewing process and the collaboration between the Polish Brewery PINTA and the O’Hara’s Brewery.‘Lublin to Dublin’- it is a robust full bodied stout brewed in Ireland (Irish malt, Lubelski hop from Poland). The brewer will talk about aroma, taste and food pairing; it will be followed by a tasting of the new beer, Q&A, and loads of time for conversation in an informal atmosphere. Please RSVP to or to SMS Krzysztof: 0877951446

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