The year 2010 marks the bicentenary of Frederic Chopin’s birth and our Society is planning a number of events to celebrate International Chopin’s Year.

To start we will have a special musical event dedicated to Chopin’s first 20 years (1810-1830) which he spent in Poland. He was born in the village of Zelazowa Wola near Warsaw, on 22nd February OR on 1st March. The exact date is not certain. He spent most of his childhood and teenage years in Warsaw. While a lot is known about the 18 years Chopin lived in France, in Paris (musically and personally the richest part of his life), much less is appreciated of his 20 years in Poland (more than half of his life, and his happiest one!).

Chopin’s Warsaw is basically unchanged, though partly rebuilt after WW2.

Our ‘Chopin’s Birthday’ celebrations will take place on Sunday, 28th February, at 5 pm, Polish House (20 Fitzwilliam Place). Video clips related to Chopin’s Polish years will be shown.

This will be complemented by live music. We are happy and honoured to have two Irish distinguished performers who will play at our event: Darina Gibson – piano and Aisling Drury Byrne – cello. A wine reception will follow the performance. Admission is free.

Darina Gibson is a lecturer at the Conservatory of Music & Drama, D.I.T.  Darina studied in Dublin under Rhona Marshall, in Manchester under Gordon Green, and in Poland at the War- saw Academy of Music under Prof Lidia Kozubek. She has performed in many concerts with the RTE Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra, and is much in demand as an accompanist. Also chamber music plays an important part in Darina Gibson’s activity. Darina has played a number of times in the Polish House.

Aisling Drury Byrne is one of Ireland’s top cellists. She received her musical education at the Paris Conservatoire. For many years she was the principal cellist of the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland.
Recently Darina Gibson and Aisling Drury Byrne recorded together a CD.


  1. Is there any record of Chopin ever visiting Ireland or having any direct connection with anyone Irish? If so, I may be able to write a story about him for an Irish newspaper. Best wishes, Turtle

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