Discussion on immigrants in Ireland

As the result of an article, about Polish immigrants in Ireland (http://www.independent.ie/national-news/polish-waitress-packs-in-job-for-good-life-on-irish-welfare-3005781.html), which was published by the Irish Independent our organization, the Irish Polish Society, has received a lot of e-mails sent either by other journalists or by individuals asking for comments. The article was based on another (http://wyborcza.pl/1,75480,11028074,Polak_w_Irlandii__Kocham_cie__bezrobocie.html),(http://www.dublin.polemb.net/files/Poles%20in%20Ireland-translation.pdf) published by a Polish journalist in a Polish newspaper, the Gazeta Wyborcza.

We anclose a letter issued by the Ambassador of Poland to Ireland, Mr. Marcin Nawrot in response to the article “Welcome to ‘good life’ on welfare – how Polish waitress embraced La Dole-ce Vita” published in the Irish Independent of Feb 1.

The article was far away from the original one and will probably have very serious and long-term repercussions not only on a Polish society, but also on all immigrants in Ireland. Therefore we invite you on an open public discussion on it.

There should be a strong objection to articles which are not based on facts and which have the potential to cause serious harm to all immigrants in Ireland. Please let us know what your opinion on this matter is and join us on discussion this Sunday @ 5pm in the Polish House (20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2).

One thought on “Discussion on immigrants in Ireland

  1. I disagree with this wording here “.. will probably have very serious and long-term repercussions not only on a Polish society, but also on all immigrants in Ireland”.
    You are not helping here at all – this statement is bull!

    On the contrary, the response of Irish Society generally in repudiating the trash in the IRISH INDEPENDANT has been fantastic. Even in the comments section of this right-wing rag a great number of people have taken strong objection and have sought an apology from the paper.

    What is admirable as well is that the IRISH TIMES immediately on news of the Ambassador’s letter, sought out the facts, corrected the serious errors in the Irish Independant rag, and published a translation. The Ambassador is commended for acting swiftly.

    All in all, a rapid-fire and commendable response to the incitement – I’ll not say “racial incitement” because the main purpose of rags like this is to get people angry but of course stereotyping Polish people adds “juice” and diesel elements to the reporting. After all, a report like this would be ignored if it was about Irish people and welfare.

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