Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Dictation Competitions – in Polish and in English – results

February 11, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

The Irish Polish Society would like to thank all participants for their participation in Dictation Competition in English and in Dictation Competition in Polish which took pace in the Polish House in Dublin. We were told you found texts used during those competitions challenging and satisfying at the same time. That is why we hope you will be ready to repeat this experience next year, when we organize next competitions.
So just get ready, as next year you can be a winner!

Please find below the results of both Dictation Competitions:

Dictation Competition in Polish:

Category: Open
1st place Monika Arczyńska
2nd place Zofia Kozłowska
3rd place Edyta Jankowska

Category: Polish as a Foreign Language
1st place Wanda Tetanaszwili (Lithuanian)
2nd place Klara-Maeve O’Reili (German)
3rd place Michael O’Shaughnessy (Irish)

Dictation Competition in English:

Category: Open
1st place Rafał Gilewski (Polish)
2nd place Edyta Jankowska (Polish)
3rd place Anna Burmeister (Polish)

Category: English as a Foreign Language
1st place Rafał Gilewski (Polish)
2nd place Edyta Jankowska (Polish)
3rd place Anna Burmeister (Polish)

That was amazing that among all participants there were native English speakers, but the winners in category Open are people to whom English is a foreign language.

Congratulations to all participants, especially to winners.

All participants can view their own writings on Sunday, 27th March 2011 between 4 and 6 pm in the Polish House.

If you would like to go through texts used during the competitions once more, you can find them under following links:
Polish text:
English text:

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