Friday, 13 September 2024

Africa Charity Expedition 2010

May 27, 2010 by · 1 Comment 

The meeting with Grzegorz Wałęsa and Rafał Gilewski – organizers of the Africa Charity Expedition 2010 to Western Africa.
Sunday, May 30th, 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2 @ 5 P.M.

Five Ws (and one H)
Who? Two wild travellers – Grzegorz Wałęsa and Rafał Gilewski
What? An adventurous charity expedition.
Where? Dublin/ Bydgoszcz – The Gambia.
When? Mid-December 2010 to mid-January 2011.
Why? To make the idea of adventurous charity contagious.
How? By car and with blessing of donors, sponsors and supporters.

Africa Charity Expedition 2010 is an idea of adventurous charity that was born at the beginning of this year. What was meant to be a crazy trip to Western Africa, is now to be brought to the next level.

The main objective of the Africa Charity Expedition 2010 is to fund and deliver portable ultrasonography devices to Polish Humanitarian mission in Western Africa and to a hospital in The Gambia. Expedition will lead through Europe, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania and Senegal to reach its final destination – The Gambia. During the expedition a distance of over 8000 km will be covered. All by a car.

The idea of ACE 2010 will be presented in a form of colorful and vivid slideshow accompanied by African music selection.

The official part of the meeting will be followed by a wine reception, further slideshow, photography exhibition and discussions.

Admission is free and all are welcome.


One Response to “Africa Charity Expedition 2010”
  1. arthur says:

    What a great adventure. Great idea and good spirits. Fingers crossed and good luck!

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