Sunday 7th February, 4:30 pm – Polish Carnival ‘Zapusty’ – Shrovetide

faworkiEverybody is invited for tasting Polish FAWORKI!

While in Ireland the seasonal feast of ‘eat, drink, and be merry’ is celebrated before Christmas, in most of Continental Europe the ‘craic’ takes place after Christmas during the Carnival time. It lasts from Epiphany until Ash Wednesday. In Poland ‘Zapusty’ (Polish Carnival) has been known since the early 16th century and it was always a time of merrymaking and feasting, dances and amusements. Faworki are a traditional sweet crisp pastry most commonly eaten during Carnival.

During the evening Video clips related to Chopin’s Polish years will be shown.

This is in connection with the International Chopin Piano Competition which recently took place in Warsaw.  There were several articles in the press  and media discussion related to Chopin’s life and nationality (was he Polish or rather French? Where did he spend most of his life? What was his status in France – a Polish immigrant or, maybe, a refugee?). While a lot is known about the 18 years Chopin lived in France much less is appreciated of his 20 years in Poland – more than half of his short life (and his happiest ones).

The event will be bilingual. Admission free for paid-up IPS members.  € 2 for non-members.

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