Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Santa Day in the Irish Polish Society

November 29, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

1470105_10151906290043198_778464749_nThe Polish Irish Society welcomes Members and Friends to Polish “Mikołajki” – a féte day of St Nicolas (Santa Claus) on Sunday, 7th December. Two events will take place in the Polish House
– 2pm– Making Christmas decorations – a workshop for children and their families.
– 4pm – A concert of Christmas Carols (Polish, Irish, English) will be given by Polish and Irish children. The singing will be organized by the Polish pianist, MsTamara Niekludow.
Everyone is welcome to join in the signing.
A light sweet treat will be provided.
Cost of participation: – free for Irish Polish Society members; – €5 for non-members or €15 for a family of four (or 4+).
Please note. If you would like to participate in the workshop only please let us known asap by e-mail. Cost of participation in this case for non-members will be a free donation.

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