Thursday, 25 July 2024

Poland and Ireland 100 years ago

November 19, 2018 by · Leave a Comment 

To celebrate 100 years since the restoration of Poland’s independence the Irish Polish Society will
hold a special seminar on Saturday, 1 st December (Polish House), starting at 3:30 pm (sharp!)
As Poland and Ireland re-gained sovereignty in the complicated period that followed the end of the
Great War it will be interesting to discuss the similarities and differences in the path to national
independence of both countries.
Two lectures will be given by academics. Prof dr Wawrzyniec Konarski will talk about Poland; he will
focus on establishing Polish institutes and infrastructure in the period October-December 1918.
Dr Gabriel Doherty will talk about Irish historic events – from executions to Dáil Éireann. He will also
tell the audience how the “Polish Question” and Poland’s affairs were analysed and examined in
Ireland at the time.
A coffee break will take place between two lectures.
Admission is free and everybody is warmly invited!

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