ISFFO 2019 The Final Gala of the 11th International Short Film Festival

It is worth keeping Saturday evening June 15 free to visit the Polish House in Dublin. At
7pm the Final Gala of International Short Film Festival ODDALENIA – ISFFO 2019 will begin.
This is a unique festival that has been connecting fans of short films for eleven years.
I wonder why this festival is so special? Why is it worthwhile to be at the Final Gala of the
International Short Film Festival ODDALENIA 2019? There are several reasons. First of all, the
festival's repertoire consists of films that have been sent from various parts of the world.
Films from Spain, India, Ireland and Poland will be presented this year. Both professionals
and amateurs are fighting for the Grand Prix, because it is open to every director. The
selection committee chose the best movies. The final ten will be presented at the festival.
The international jury, chaired by Cóilín Ó Scolaí, will award and give prizes. Prizes are also
allocated by the public through a voting system. This is a very important moment for many
directors. For young filmmakers, this is a great incentive to start a new career path.
However, for directors who have been making films for many years, it is often a confirmation
that they have made good choices in their lives. And above all, it is a very pleasant
experience. Even audience members get prizes at this festival. An Honorary member of the
jury is Consul Katarzyna Kasperkiewicz.
The final gala is divided into three parts: film screening, artistic performance and distribution
of prizes. This year, we focused on young or little-known artists. The Grand Prix statuette
according to its own design was prepared by Wiola Rat, a second year student at the
National College of Art and Design in Dublin. Kacper Jaroszyński will participate on two
different levels on the night. He will present a bodhrán made by himself and play a mini
concert on this instrument. In addition, he will be the official photographer of the festival.
The walls of the Polish House have been decorated with the exhibition of Katarzyna
Wołkowycka, a painter, animator of culture and an art therapist.
The festival connects film people, art lovers, but above all people of good will. Last year
during the festival, we collected money for the renovation of the Polish House. This year, we
are collecting money for the rehabilitation of Wioletta Szyłejko. In 2017, this young woman
had a car accident. She was pregnant at the time. Despite the fact that she was in a coma,
the doctors did a wonderful job in caring for her and little Natalia was born. After a long
time, Wioletta also awake from the coma. She is still in the hospital and a long rehabilitation
is required. We, as the creators of this festival, want the hearts of our viewers to connect.
During the festival a special stand will be prepared, where you can buy books and drawings
or simply make a donation.
The project is co-financed by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

Time and place:
Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Place

Saturday, 15 June 2019, at 7 pm
Entry fee: 5 Euro

r LP
The film's title/
Director /

Plot Summary

Streszczenie fabuły

The fold of the
Xabier Alconero

Jose wanted to be a pilot,
but he ended up doing
something completely
different. He is 86 years

Jose chciał zostać pilotem,
ale skończył na czymś
zupełnie innym. Ma 86 lat…

Stanisław Buczkowski
Ireland / Poland

How surreal moments
experienced in childhood
can affect the experience
and perception of the
world in adult life …

Jak surrealistyczne chwile
przeżywane w dzieciństwie
mogą wpłynąć na
doświadczenie i
postrzeganie świata w
dorosłym życiu …

Morning has broken
Olga Chajdas

A woman having
murdering her husband
and daughter wakes up in
the morning and
discovers that she cannot
find her cat. It’s a movie
about alienation.

Kobieta mordująca męża i
córkę budzi się rano i
odkrywa, że nie może
znaleźć swojego kota. To
film o alienacji.

If You can…
Hanna Rybak

If You can… these are the
words of Winston

Jeśli możesz … to są słowa
Winstona Churchilla

Carlos Matías

Huáijiù is an allegory
which tells how our
senses are able to drive us
through spaces that we
may not want to visit

Huáijiù jest alegorią, która
mówi, jak nasze zmysły są
w stanie poprowadzić nas
przez przestrzenie, których
już nie chcemy odwiedzać.

Athithya Kanagarajan

Dilip, a paper boy of
twelve wants to invite Dr.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to his
School’s Annual Day
Celebration. Kalam Sir
Accepts his invitation…

Dilip, dwunastolatek, chce
zaprosić dr. A.P.J. Abdul
Kalam na doroczne
obchody Dnia Szkoły…

Question mark
Michał Dzięgielewski
Ireland / Poland

The film shows the story
of a father and daughter
after the loss of their
mother…. their daily
struggle with reality and
powerlessness …

Film pokazuje historię ojca i
córki po utracie matki…. ich
codzienna walka z
rzeczywistością i
bezsilnością …

Joanna Polak

Have you ever wondered
what life would be like in
a world made of wool? In
Woolworld, everything is
made of wool…

Czy zastanawiałeś się
kiedyś, jak wyglądałoby
życie w świecie z wełny? W
Woolworld wszystko jest
zrobione z wełny…

Sculpting in memory
Rubén Seca

A story about personal
and collective memories
told through sculptures.

Opowieść o osobistych i
zbiorowych wspomnieniach

A decent proposal
Cathal Feeney

It was the perfect day,
with the perfect woman,
for the perfect proposal.
What could possibly go

To był idealny dzień, z
idealną kobietą, na idealną
propozycję. Co mogło pójść
nie tak?

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