Irish Polish Society Annual General Meeting
October 15, 2014 by IPS · Leave a Comment
Please note that the Irish Polish Society Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Sunday, 19th October, at 4 pm, in the Polish House. There will be important matters to discuss and everybody is warmly invited to take part.
A new Committee for 2014/2015 will be elected at the AGM. Anyone who is interested can stand as a candidate for the new committee if he/she is already a Society paid-up member.
Please remember that the current IPS season runs from 1st September 2014 to 31st August 2015, so membership fee should have been paid. It is only € 12 annual membership (one euro per month!), € 17 per family, and € 10 students.
You may pay your membership at the AGM; otherwise please send to our Hon. Treasurer, Pat Quigley, 21 Coolmine Court, Clonsilla, Dublin 15.
You can make a lodgement directly to the IPS bank account. The details are:
Irish Polish Society
Allied Irish Banks,
100 Grafton Street,
Dublin 2
Sort Code: 93-10-47
Account No: 56363006
Dear Members,
Please remember that our Society Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place this coming Sunday,
October, at 4pm.
Proposed Agenda of the AGM:
1. Minutes of the previous AGM
2. Honorary Secretary’s Report
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Honorary Treasurer’s Report
5. Discussion
6. Election of a new IPS committee for the year 2014/15
7. IPS recent activities and future trajectories – a short presentation by Edyta Jankowska
8. AOB
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!