Invitation for the IPS Conference Why we are here: 35 years of the Irish Polish Society, 27th Sept 2014 in the UCD Humanities Institute

IPS Conference brochure front page only v5This year the Irish Polish Society is celebrating the 35th anniversary of its founding. Why do Poles feel at home in Ireland ? This Conference includes a range of papers that explore the reasons for which the Polish Diaspora integrates so well into Irish society.
Speakers include: Mr Longin Komołowski (former deputy PM of Poland), Dr John Kearns (ITIA), Dr Bożena Cierlik (UCC), Niamh Nestor (UCD), Witold Iżycki (SPK), Dr Jacqueline Hayden (TCD), Dr Gabriel Doherty (UCC), Hanna Dowling (IPS), Edyta Jankowska (IPS).
Please see attached programme for the Conference Why we are here: 35 years of the Irish Polish Society which will be held on 27th September 2014 in UCD Humanities Institute.
Jarosław Płachecki, IPS
Why we are here: 35 years of the Irish Polish Society
(27th September 2014, UCD Humanities Institute)
This year the Irish Polish Society is celebrating the 35th anniversary of its founding. Why do Poles feel at home in Ireland ? This conference includes a range of papers that explore the reasons for which the Polish Diaspora integrates so well into Irish society.
W tym roku Towarzystwo Irlandzko –Polskie obchodzi 35- tą rocznicę założenia. Dlaczego Polacy czują się w Irlandii jak w domu? Celem konferencji jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego Polacy tak dobrze integrują się z irlandzkim społeczeństwem.
10:00-12:00 Session 1 Polish Education in Ireland
10:20 Opening speech: Mr Longin Komołowski (former deputy PM of Poland)
10:30 Greetings from Prof. Wawrzyniec Konarski (UJ) presented by Patrick Quigley (IPS)
Panel: Chaired by Dr Bożena Cierlik (UCC)
10:40 Dr John Kearns (ITIA) – Poles in Ireland 2004-2014: Translation Perspectives
11:00 Niamh Nestor (UCD) – Polish in Irish schools: Educational reform and the importance of complementary schooling in Ireland
11:20 Witold Iżycki (SPK) – Ten years of the Polish School of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin (SPK)
11:40 Dr Bożena Cierlik (UCC) – Polish students in the Irish higher education system
12:00 Q&A: Dr Bożena Cierlik (UCC)
12: 30 -13:00 Coffee break
13:00-15:00 Session 2 35 years of the Irish Polish Society
13:00 Keynote speech: Dr Jacqueline Hayden (TCD)
Panel: Chaired by Dr Jacqueline Hayden (TCD)
13:10 Dr Gabriel Doherty (UCC) – Irish-Polish relations, from independence to the advent of Communism
13:40 Hanna Dowling (IPS) – Poles in Ireland, their contribution to Irish life and the beginnings of the IPS
14:10 Edyta Jankowska (IPS) – Irish Polish Society: recent activities and future trajectories
14:40 Q & A: Dr Jacqueline Hayden (TCD)
15:00 Conference close
Organising and Scientific Committee: E. Jankowska, P. Quigley, H. Dowling, J. Piechota, K. Kiedrowski, Dr J. Hayden, Dr B. Cierlik, Prof. W. Konarski, N. Nestor, Dr G. Doherty.
Chair of the IPS Conference: Dr J. Płachecki
To include conference papers in 2015 IPS Yearbook please send your proposals to: Dr B. Cierlik (UCC) and Dr J. Płachecki (IPS) at
Registration and distribution of conference materials: Krzysztof Kiedrowski (IPS)
Map of UCD

Conference Brochure

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