Evening cabaret “Confessions of an Immigrant”.

Peadar de Burca is back in the Polish House with one-man show theatre piece “Confessions of an Immigrant”.

As part of the Festival PolskaEire 2017, the Irish Polish Society and the Polish Social and Cultural Association cordially invite you to an evening cabaret.

Writer and comedian Peadar de Burca is an Irishman who gave up his life on the west coast of Ireland to raise a family in the Silesian region of Poland. Since going there he has developed asthma, earns the equivalent of 200 euro a month and has tried and failed four times to learn Polish. But this is comedy show.

Event is organised in aid of the renovation of the Polish House basement.

Venue: Dom Polski. 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2.
Time: 19th May (Friday at 7pm )
Admission: 18 euro (when bought at the door) or 15 euro (plus VAT) via eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/peadar-de-burca-in-one-man-show-theatre-piece-confessions-of-an-immigrant-tickets-33655830495
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1040340659400036/

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