Saturday, 27 July 2024

BBQ in the Polish House!

July 16, 2019 by · Leave a Comment 

Irish Polish Society together with the Polish Cultural & Social Association are inviting you to a BBQ in the Polish House!

Date: Sat, 27th July at 4pm
Address: Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2
Fee: 5 euro for members of IPS & POSK / 8 euro for non members

Included in the price: one bbq sausage with salad, glass of wine, piece of cake, tea, coffee, soft drinks

During the event we will also say good bye to our vice consul Katarzyna Kasperkiewicz and her husband Piotr who have been a terrific support and friends to us for the past few years but unfortunately they are moving on this summer.

Music: Rafała Wiśniewski (piano)

All the proceedings will go towards the payment of the renovation of the lower ground of the house.

We hope to see you there!

IPS & POSK committees

Summer garden bbq and farewell party to Consul Kasperkiewicz and her husband.
We also thank to Polish shop #Polonez that sponsored the Polish sausages for BBQ. Thanks!

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