Friday, 26 July 2024

An evening dedicated to Polish cinematography, and particularly to remarkable film maker Jerzy Kawalerowicz (1922-2007)

May 31, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Sunday 3rd June, 5:30 pm – An evening dedicated to Polish
cinematography, and particularly to remarkable films made by Jerzy
Kawalerowicz (1922-2007). A documentary film (Żyłem 17 razy – I lived
17 times) on the life and work of Jerzy Kawalerowicz will be presented
by its creator and director, Stanisław Zawiśliński.
Stanisław Zawiśliński is a journalist, writer, film-maker and critic.
Prof Wawrzyniec Konarski, who had some ‘share’ in making this film,
will attend the event. There will be a talk/discussion on so-called
the Polish Film School – a movement during years 1955-1963 approx. –
in which Jerzy Kawalerowicz was a leading figure.

Please note that the event on Sunday, 3rd June is organized together
with POSK. It will be in Polish language mainly. The project is
financially supported by the Polish Embassy).

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