Polish & Irish artists exhibit together at the Irish Polish Society Annual Art Exhibition this September from 7th – 25th in Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin.

The Irish Polish Society Showcases Polish & Irish Art in Dublin

Some of the most interesting Eastern European Art comes to the Dublin art audience in the Irish Polish Society Annual Art Exhibition. Over the past years this event has become an exciting showcase for established Polish artists who choose to live and work in Ireland, often taking their inspiration from Ireland, exhibiting alongside their Irish contemporaries, Irish artists who have a connection with Poland. To be opened Dr. Martin Mansergh TD, Minister of State with Special responsibility for OPW and the Arts and supported by the Polish Embassy and the Polish Consulate, this promises to be an important opportunity for intercultural exchange.

The exhibition incorporates an eclectic mix of works on a wide variety of themes in ceramics, oils, acrylics, pastels and print. Artists exhibiting are Orla Kaminska, Roman Furgalski, Camilla Fanning, Ula Retzlaff, Marysia Harasimowez, Marta Wakula- Mac, Maciej Smolenski, Andrzej Mazur, Helena Johnston, Robert Zuraw, and Martin Reynolds.

There is a wide selection of sensibilities and aesthetic motivations on show. Artists include Andrzej Mazur of the Dublin Graphic Studio who says of his recent works “I transform manhole covers, sewers and grates into artistic streetscapes. They are ordinary common objects. We walk over them. We drive over them. Most of them are round. I found in them my perfect subject matter”.

Also, well known for her public commissions, is Orla Kominska who will be showing some of her hand formed & hand painted Ceramic pieces. Ula Retzlaff exhibits work which she says ‘reflects a beautifully fragile but resilient environment, momentarily frozen in time, layering and dissecting images layer by layer as fleeing memories are resurfacing and coming to a final standstill’.

Polish artist Roman Furgalski demonstrates his ‘Free Line Design’ technique developed over the last ten years and influenced by cognitive psychology. This has roots in Roman’s fascination with cave paintings. He says “Cave walls are full of crevices and indentations which in dim light bring visions of shapes, there are images in the chaos of randomly drawn lines. The process of discovering these images is intentional and conscious, the artist’s mind encounters a maze of lines and is forced to abandon preconceptions”.

Irish artist Camilla Fanning takes the inspiration for her etchings from the Irish landscape while exploring the notion of shared, and often inaccurate, memory. Currently she is working through a theme on shared remembered images of Irish landscape, each image a distillation of the essential qualities of place. Many of her images derive from drawings and research from Co Clare and Co Wicklow.

Founded in 1979 the Irish Polish Society is the main organization in Ireland for Polish people who want to learn about Ireland and Irish people who are interested in Poland. The IPS organises a busy programme of cultural events throughout the year and is always delighted to receive new members. (

The exhibition runs from September 7th to 25th in Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin and is free to view and open daily.

Where: Polish House 20 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin
Dates: Tuesday 7th to Saturday 25th of September
Opening times: Mon – Thurs 11.30 — 6.00; Fri 11.30 — 9.00; Sat 4.00 -6.00; Sun 2.00 – 6.00

Contact details:
Marysia: Exhibition Curator Marysia Harasimowez
Phone: 087 6853452

Camilla: Exhibition PR Camilla Fanning
Email or
Phone 087 6752430


Images details:
Ula Retzlaff The Bog Oil
Andrjez Mazur Manhole Cover Mixed Media
Orla Kominska Studio Piece Ceramic
Roman Furgalski Defrosting Oil
Camilla Fanning Killeshin Drypoint

(please find images attached to email)

For images in hard copy or on CD, or for further information, please contact Marysia or Camilla

Date of Exhibition; 6th Sept – 25th Sept
Opening; 6th Sept, at 7.00 by Dr Martin Mansergh Minister for Arts TD
Hanging;- Sunday 5th Sept at 10.30
Opening times of Exhibition; Monday- Thurs 10.30 – 6.00 Friday10.30 – 9.00
(Also Sat & Sun p.m – when The House is open, details to follow)
Venue; Polish House 20 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2

• The Exhibition is Open to Irish Polish Society Members only.
(To join the Society send a cheque to IPS c/o Hon. Treasurer Deirdre Holland,
20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2.
Annual Membership; – Individual E.12, Family E.17, Student & Unwaged E.10)
• All artists must commit to two – three ½ days supervision of the Exhibition, (a rota will be provided to select your times)
• The exhibition is open to Professional and Emerging artists. If you are selected then titles of work will need to be submitted via E mail by Fri 9th July
• Media; 2D Art form i.e. Paintings, Pastels, Pencil Drawings, Prints etc. 3D form – small scale Ceramics which must be hung i.e. Ceramic Plates. No photographs or installations.
• Please submit two photographs of your most recent work, at least one should be exhibited (photographs may be required for Press Release). Please give the following information on the reverse side of each photograph; your name, title, media used, dimensions of unframed work & work that will be exhibited.
• Exhibition space will allow for approximately 4-6 pieces of work. Exact details will be known mid June.
• Please type in a word document a very short resume about you & your art work, NOT MORE than 150-250 words. Please include information on your style, influences, media used, art background, exhibitions (also maybe required for catalogue & press release).
• Your personal details; name, address, telephone number, e – mail address.
• If you are selected then there will be a hanging fee of E. 20 (Euro) which will be made payable to “The Irish Polish Society” Also 15% commission from the sale of work will be taken. PLEASE DO NOT SEND A FEE NOW
• The committee reserves the right to refuse work which may not be suitable for this exhibition Closing date for submission Friday 2nd July 2010

• Check list;
Please forward;
a) Two photographs b) Artist’s resume c) Personal details
Please send to; c/o IPS Marysia Harasimowicz 218 Pace Road Littlepace Paddocks Dublin 15 Telephone 087 6853452

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