Friday, 19 April 2024

Saturday 2nd April, 5pm – John Paul II’s visit to the Holy Land and his efforts to reconcile Christians and Jews – an event to mark the anniversary of Pope John Paul II death

March 21, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

Saturday, 2nd April, 5pm – John Paul II’s visit to the Holy Land and his efforts to reconcile Christians and Jews – an event with a video presentation followed by discussion.

2nd April marks the 11th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s death. During his nearly 27- year- long papacy John Paul II made 104 pastoral travels abroad, visiting 129 countries. One of the most important and difficult was his historic visit to the Holy Land, 21 – 26 March, 2000. The visit was praised as a positive milestone in Catholic-Jews relation.
A very interesting video will be shown. As 2nd April falls during Easter Week, traditional ‘Easter Mazurkas’ will be served with tea and coffee.

Easter Mazurka (nothing to do with Mazurkas by Chopin!) is a variety of short pastry cakes baked in Poland at Easter. After the 40-day ‘POST’ (Polish for Lent), mazurka dessert is supposed to be a nice reward for fasting and abstinence!

Everybody is very welcome and the admission is free. However, you are encouraged to give a small donation to a chosen charity: The Dzieło Nowego Tysiąclecia Foundation. This is a Polish charitable organisation whose aim is to promote the teaching of John Paul II especially in the fields of education and culture. The Foundation gives scholarships to gifted young Polish people from poor families.

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