NAME: …………………………………………………………………..
(Imie i nazwisko)
TELEPHONE NO: Home: ………………………. Work:……………………….
Email: ………………………………..
Occupation: (zawód)……………………………………………..
I enclose yearly membership fee:
12 Euro – students and unwaged
15 Euro individual………………….
20 Euro family………………………
Annual subscriptions run from 1st September until the end of August the following year.
Cheques/Postal orders etc are payable to the Irish Polish Society.
Please send your subscription with completed application form to Hon. Treasurer:
You can make a lodgement directly to the Irish Polish Society account. The details are:
Irish Polish Society, Allied Irish Bank,100 Grafton Street, Dublin 2.
Sort Code: 93-10-47
Account No: 56363006
IBAN: IE71AIBK93104756363006 BIC: AIBKIE2D
PLEASE NOTE: It is very important that the details of the payment are sent to our Treasurer for her record. You can contact Deirdre by e-mail:
Możliwa jest wpłata bezpośrednio na konto (w opisie prosimy o podanie imienia i roku opłacanej subskrypcji np ‚Alan członkostwo 2017’)
Przy dokonywaniu przelewu konieczne jest podanie skarbniczce swego nazwiska, tak aby mogła odnotować wpłacone członkostwo. Kontakt ze skarbniczką e-mail: